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This section provides the integration specifications and few basic questions that may arise.

Integration Specifications

Note: Wherever Modify is specified that means TIBCO Mashery Gateway allows API request with certain modifications.
Effect Lambda Response Data Element Mode Use
Allow {} Required Forward request without modification. Lambda function responds with empty JSON.
Terminate Code Required HTTP error code to be sent to the client.
Terminate Message Optional Error message to be printed by the Mashery gateway in the body of the response. The message included without matching code should be ignored.
Modify and Terminate Headers to add Optional Key-value map listing HTTP headers to be added by the gateway in the API request. Mashery -> API Origin request (for pre-processor) or Mashery -> API Client (for post-processor).
Modify and Terminate Headers to drop Optional List of permissible HTTP headers to be dropped by the gateway in the API request. Mashery -> API Origin request (for pre-processor) or Mashery -> API Client (for post-processor).
Modify and Terminate Payload Optional Payload which needs to be sent by the gateway in the body of the response. Payload is base64 encoded. Mashery -> API Origin request (for pre-processor) or Mashery -> API Client (for post-processor).
Modify and Terminate Json Optional JSON which needs to be sent in the body of the response. If both payload and json present in the response, priority will be given to the json.


  1. Is Sidecar Integration for AWS Lambda also available in TIBO Mashery Local?

    Sidecar integration for AWS Lambda is available in TIBCO Cloud Mashery. TIBCO Mashery Local customers who wish to build anything specific to fuel their innovation engine they can do it using TIBCO Mashery Local SDK.

    For more information about TIBCO Mashery Local SDK, see the TIBCO Mashery ® Local SDK Guide.

  2. What tooling can customers use to monitor and troubleshooting AWS Lambda functions themselves?

    AWS Lambda automatically monitors Lambda functions on your behalf and reports metrics through Amazon CloudWatch . To help you monitor your code as it executes, Lambda automatically tracks the number of requests, the execution duration per request, and the number of requests that result in an error. For more information about Monitoring and troubleshooting Lambda applications, see AWS Documentation.

  3. Why does TIBCO Mashery resource IAM role ARN start with '*' in TIBCO AWS account ID (arn:aws:iam::* :role/tibco_sidecar_connector*)?

    This TIBCO AWS account ID with role ARN allows a flexible, easily manageable and secure design.

    TIBCO Mashery Sidecar Connector uses given role to assume role for each customer securely that need on-boarding for AWS Lambda sidecar integration Connector. For more information, see Sidecar Connector Assume Role Support.

  4. How does Sidecar Integration ensure security of IAM account externalID?

    TIBCO Mashery Sidecar integration stores External Id value in the AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store using key-value pair. TIBCO treats externalID as a secret for AWS IAM accounts. This is one of the best and secure cloud practices to protect customers resources and mitigate the risk of unauthorized access to Lambda functions.