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Design and Implementation

Policy Structure

Refer to the API Policy Structure.

Important Points about Policy Structure

Refer to the API Policy Important Points about Policy Structure.

Policy Usage

Refer to the API Policy Policy Usage.

Claims Verification Policy Parameters

  • Name: This field contains the policy name. In case of JWT claims verification policy, it is always "JWTClaimsVerificationPolicy".
  • TokenExpiryOverride: This field defines time which overrides JWT expiry time.
  • Iss: This field defines Issuer of the JWT.
  • Aud: This field defines recipient for which the JWT is intended.
  • NonStandardClaims: This field defines non standard claims to be match with JWT claims.

JWT Claims Structure Under JWT Token Object

JWT Standard Claims

  • iss (issuer): Issuer of the JWT
  • sub (subject): Subject of the JWT (the user)
  • aud (audience): Recipient for which the JWT is intended
  • exp (expiration time): Time after which the JWT expires
  • nbf (not before time): Time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
  • iat (issued at time): Time at which the JWT was issued; can be used to determine age of the JWT
  • jti (JWT ID): Unique identifier; can be used to prevent the JWT from being replayed (allows a token to be used only once)

Error Messages

This section lists error messages that are specific to JWT Claims Validation Policy. For a complete list of error messages, refer to the API Policy Connector Error Messages.
Error Name HTTP Status Code Cause
InvalidJWTClaimsPolicyArgumentTokenExpiryOverride 403 Token Expiry Override is not correct.
JWTClaimsPolicyArgumentTokenExpiryOverrideNotSpecified 403 Token Expiry Overrideis not specified.
InvalidJWTClaimsPolicyArgumentNonStandarnClaims 403 Defined Non Standard Claims are not correct.
JWTClaimsPolicyArgumentNonStandarnClaimsNotSpecified 403 Non Standard Claims are not specified.
InvalidJWTClaimsPolicyArgumentAudience 403 Defined Audience details are not correct.
JWTClaimsPolicyArgumentAudienceNotSpecified 403 Audience details are not specified.
InvalidJWTClaimsPolicyArgumentIssuer 403 Defined Issuer details are not correct.
JWTClaimsPolicyArgumentIssuerNotSpecified 403 Issuer details are notspecified.
NonStandardClaimIsNotAuthorized 403 Non Standard Claim is not authorized
AudIsNotAuthorized 403 Audience is not authorized
AudNotConfiguredInJWTToken 403 Audience is not configured in the incoming JWT token
InvalidIssWithMultipleValues 403 Incoming JWT token Issuer claim have multiple values
IssNotAuthorized 403 Issueris not authorized
IssNotConfiguredInJWTToken 403 Issuer is not configured in the incoming JWT token
IatGreaterThanCurrentTime 403 Time at which the JWT was issued is greater than current time
IatGreaterThanExpTime 403 Time at which the JWT was issued is greater than expiry time
IatIsNonNumeric 403 Time at which the JWT was issued is non numeric integer
TokenNotAllowedBeforeNbf 403 Token not allowed before Nbf
NbfIsNonNumeric 403 Nbf is non numeric integer
ExpIsNonNumeric 403 Expiry time is non numeric integer
TokenExpiryOverrideOrIatIsNonNumeric 403 Token Expiry Override or JWT Issued time is non numeric integer
TokenExpired 403 JWT token is expired

Business Rules Assumptions

The following scenarios are not supported in the policy:
  • If API Key is passed in JWT token payload.
  • If non-standard claims are passed as array in JWT token payload.