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Developer Activity

The Developer Activity page displays the user activity log. The log can be filtered by date or Plan. For more information, see Report Filters. The number of active developers is displayed above the list of users. By clicking a user name, you can view the detailed activity report for that user. For more information, see the Developer Activity: Developer Name page.

The following table describes the fields in the Developer Activity report.
Field Description


User or developer name.


Registered application that utilizes the Plan or an API.

Plan/ Company

The plan that contains the utilized API service. (on the Services sub-tab, the Company field is displayed and not the Plan field).

Successful Calls

Number of successful calls.


Percentage of successful calls.


Calls that neither pass through the Traffic Manager nor return the 403 error. They include responses such as:
  • Timeout

  • Invalid key

  • Invalid signatures

  • Resource not found

  • HTTP 3xx series errors

Blocked Calls

Calls that return 403 error for any of the following reasons:
  • Quota or throttle limit is crossed.

  • Developer is inactive.

  • Developer is not authorized.

  • The referrer is unknown.


The total number of calls allowed for a specified time. The value displayed in the Quota column is a cumulative number. If the quota for the selected API is 2000 per day and the number of days selected is 70, the number displayed in the Quota column is 140,000.

Data Served

Data served (in bytes) for the application.