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Design and Implementation

Sidecar Connector Sequence Flow Diagram

Sidecar Connector System Architecture Flow Diagram

Sidecar Integration Error Handling

Error Name Error Message HTTP Status Code Cause
InvalidPreInputConfiguration AWS Region Not Specified 500 AWS region not specified in pre-input configuration
InvalidPreInputConfiguration Function ARN Not Specified 500 Function ARN not specified in pre-input configuration
InvalidPreInputConfiguration Role ARN Not Specified 500 Role ARN not specified in pre-input configuration
InvalidPreInputConfiguration External ID Not Specified 500 External ID not specified in pre-input configuration
InvalidPreInputConfiguration Sidecar Connector timeout is greater than endpoint timeout 500 Sum of timeout specified in pre and post input configuration is more than endpoint timeout.
RequiredHeaderConditionFailure Required Header - <Header Name> Unavailable 400 One of the require-request-headers defined in pre-input configuration is not present in the request sent to Mashery.
RequiredHeaderConditionFailure Header Information Unavailable 400 Unable to fetch information about request headers sent to Mashery
RequiredApplicationEAVConditionFailure Required Application EAV - <Application EAV Name> Unavailable 400 One of the require-eavs defined in pre-input configuration is not present in the request sent to Mashery. EAV could be missing as it's not defined in Control Center for application through which request is sent to Mashery.
RequiredApplicationEAVConditionFailure Error occurred while fetching application data 400 Unable to fetch information about Application EAVs
RequiredPackageKeyEAVConditionFailure Required Package Key EAV - <Package Key Name> Unavailable 400 One of the require-packageKey-eavs defined in pre-input configuration is not present in the request sent to Mashery. EAV could be missing as its not defined in Control Center for package key through which request is sent to Mashery.
RequiredPackageKeyEAVConditionFailure Error occurred while fetching package key data 400 Unable to fetch information about Package Key EAVs
MaxPayloadConditionFailure Payload length is more than max allowed payload 413 If max-payload-condition is defined as "blocking" and size of the payload which needs to be sent to AWS Lambda (either request payload or response payload) is greater than defined max-payload-size in pre-input configuration.
MaxPayloadConditionFailure Payload length is more than 1MB. 413 If size of the payload which needs to be sent to AWS Lambda (either request payload or response payload) is greater than 1MB.
InvalidJSONInputForAWSLambda Error while creating json input for AWS Lambda in pre-process 400 AWS Lambda Request which will be sent from Mashery to AWS Lambda in pre-process is not created in proper JSON format.
InvalidJSONInputForAWSLambda Error while creating json input for AWS Lambda in post-process 500 AWS Lambda Request which will be sent from Mashery to AWS Lambda in post-process is not created in proper json format.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPreProcess AWS Lambda Response is not returned 500 Response is not returned from AWS Lambda function in pre-process. In case failSafe is defined as "true", even if response is not returned from AWS Lambda function, error will not be thrown.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPostProcess AWS Lambda Response is not returned 500 Response is not returned from AWS Lambda function in post-process. In case failSafe is defined as "true", even if response is not returned from AWS Lambda function, error will not be thrown.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPostProcess Invalid output from AWS Lambda function 500 Response returned from AWS Lambda in post-process is not in proper JSON format.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPreProcess Invalid output from AWS Lambda function 500 Response returned from AWS Lambda in pre-process is not in proper JSON format.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPreProcess Success Response not returned from AWS Lambda 500 AWS Lambda response status code is other than 200 and 202 in pre-process
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPreProcess Error while connecting to AWS lambda. 500 Exception occurred while connecting to AWS Lambda in pre-process
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPreProcess <Exception Message From AWS Lambda> 500 Amazon Service Exception occurred while connecting to AWS Lambda in pre-process.
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPostProcess Success Response not returned from AWS Lambda 500 AWS Lambda response status code is other than 200 and 202 in post-process
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPostProcess Error while connecting to AWS lambda. 500 Exception occurred while connecting to AWS Lambda in post-process
InvalidResponseFromAWSLambdaInPostProcess <Exception Message From AWS Lambda> 500 Amazon Service Exception occurred while connecting to AWS Lambda in post-process.
Gateway Timeout Timeout occured while connecting to AWS Service 504 Timeout occurred while connecting and retrieving response from Lambda function.

AWS Lambda Function Error Handling

Unlike Lambda Function invocation errors, function errors don't cause Lambda to return a 400-series or 500-series status code.

If the function returns an error, Lambda indicates this by including a header named X-Amz-Function-Error, and a JSON-formatted response with the error message and other details. Make a note Lambda function runtime errors still comes with HTTP status code as 2xx.

Lambda runtime errors are formatted like errors that implementor code returns, but they are returned by the runtime. In the following example, the Lambda runtime fails to deserialize the event into an object and responds with error message, cause and other details.
  "errorMessage": "An error occurred during JSON parsing",
  "errorType": "java.lang.RuntimeException",
  "stackTrace": [],
  "cause": {
    "errorMessage": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException: Can not construct instance of java.lang.Integer from String value '1000,10': not a valid Integer value\n at [Source: lambdainternal.util.NativeMemoryAsInputStream@35fc6dc4; line: 1, column: 1] (through reference chain: java.lang.Object[0])",
    "errorType": "",
    "stackTrace": [],
    "cause": {
      "errorMessage": "Can not construct instance of java.lang.Integer from String value '1000,10': not a valid Integer value\n at [Source: lambdainternal.util.NativeMemoryAsInputStream@35fc6dc4; line: 1, column: 1] (through reference chain: java.lang.Object[0])",
      "errorType": "com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidFormatException",
      "stackTrace": [
In this case, Sidecar Connector rejects the call and respond to user client with an error message in the format described below. HTTP Status Code is set as 502 in case of function error from AWS Lambda and below message is set as HTTP Response Body. Below message format provides enough details to the user client for the cause but not the entire stack trace. This error response body design is closer in compliance to RFC 7807: Problem Details for HTTP APIs as well as AWS Lambda guidelines.
    "code": 502,
    "message": {
        "detail": "An error occurred during JSON parsing",
        "title": "java.lang.RuntimeException"