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Configuring Endpoint Call Processing

In the Call Transformations page, specify the following information in these fields:
  • Processing adapter:
  • Perform Pre-processing: Enabled
  • Data to make available for pre-processing (one per line)
    Data Example Notes
    enable_lms_pf_token_auth:<true/false> enable_lms_pf_token_auth:true Optional; boolean values - true or false.
    Default Value - false
    Note: This flag enables LMS support by fetching LMS access token from Ping Federate server.
    lms_pf_base_url:<string> lms_pf_base_url: Mandatory; string value.

    The Ping Federate server URL for fetching LMS access token.

    lms_pf_oauth_client:<string> lms_pf_oauth_client:mLIrj1OhHA5qaYUckf6O59Nzpqx7S+JkLuGu2EMGOyq2dHeGpaNFPsCKSHqR1H7 Mandatory; string value.

    Base64 encoded client_id:client_secret for LMS Ping Federate server.