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Design and Implementation

Sequence Diagrams

Pre-Process Sequence Diagram

Post-Process Sequence Diagram

Implementation Details


  • The Connector checks whether the request method is POST and the request type is SOAP through a Content-Type request header and namespace present in the request payload.
  • If the validation in the previous bullet is unsuccessful, the request is not cached and is sent to the back-end target endpoint to fetch the response.
  • If the request Content-Type is either application/xml, text/xml, or application/soap+xml, and the request payload does not contain valid xml or if the request payload contains SOAP message, a 400 Bad Request error message response is returned to the client.
  • If the validation in the previous bullet is successful, then the cache key is created by generating an MD5 string that combines the endpoint key, the request payload, and the pre-input defined header values.
  • For the recently generated content cache key, the response is retrieved from the cache.
  • If there is a cached response, the response is returned to the client.
  • If there is no cached response, the request is sent to the back-end target endpoint.

Post Process

  • The Connector checks whether the content cache key was created during the pre-process, if the request is valid for caching, and if the response status code is 200.
  • The Connector checks the Content-Type response header to see if the response payload is non-binary.
  • If the conditions described in the previous two bullets are satisfied, the cache_ttl is retrieved from the pre-input. If the cache_ttl is non-numeric, or its value is not between 0 and 60 minutes, then the cache expiry time is set to 5 minutes.
  • The response is cached against the content cache key created in the pre-process for the calculated cache expiry.
  • The response is returned to the client.

Business Rules Assumptions

  • The request is only cached when the Content-Type header for both requests, and the response, are set correctly.
  • SOAP validation is not done against the schema.
  • Only non-binary responses are cached.
  • If the header specified in the pre-input configuration arrives multiple times in the request, multiple values are not used for creating the cache key.

Content Cache Key Formation

The Content Cache Key formation must be an MD5 string that includes:
  • A unique service endpoint key (required)
  • POST body (payload) (required)
  • Pre-input configurable headers data (optional)