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Setting Advanced Options

On the Advanced Options page you can set the page name, CSS, JS, navigation setting, comments, and page visibility based on role.

The following table describes the fields on the Advanced Options page.
Field Description

Page Name

The name of a page. The name is appended to the URL of the page. For example, if the page name is Page_Title, the URL of the page is <>.
Note: The space between words of the page name is converted to an underscore '_'. Folder home pages, indicated in bold, always take the folder name and not the page title.

Inline Javascript for this page

Inline JavaScript code that is executed on the front end Portal.
Note: The Inline JavaScript for this page box is resizable. Drag the bottom border to minimize or maximize it.

Inline CSS for this page

Page-specific CSS which is intended to override or augment the site wide CSS.
Note: The Inline CSS for this page box is resizable. Drag the bottom border to minimize or maximize it.

Custom Javascript file for this page

Location of the JavaScript file that is referenced within the page.

Custom CSS file for this page

Location of the CSS file that is referenced to override the site wide CSS.

Hide site navigation on this page

This hides navigation links on the page.

Disable comments on this page

Users cannot add comments to the page.
Note: This check box is available only for documentation pages and blog posts.

Page Visibility

Select a user role to set the page visibility. Selecting a role will make the content item visible to users associated to that role; multiple roles can be selected.
Note: The default value is set to Everybody, which means that anyone visiting the Portal, regardless of whether they are logged in or not, will be able to see the content in the page.