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Common Features for WYSIWYG Editor

This section helps you to use the WYSIWYG editor in the CMS. You can use the editor to format the Portal content in the body section. The editor can be enabled by selecting the Use TinyMCE check box.
Feature Description


Text appears bold.


Text is italicized.


Text is underlined.


Text is struck through.

Align left

Text is left-aligned.

Align center

Text is center-aligned.

Align right

Text is right-aligned.

Align full

Text is aligned both on the left and the right.

Bulleted lists

Text entries appear as bulleted lists.

Numbered lists

Text entries appear as numbered lists.

Paragraph Style

Text list of pre-defined styles is displayed.

Font Size

Text list of font sizes is displayed.

Text Color

Text body text can be colored using standard colors, color picker, color palette, named colors, or entering the color code.

Background Color

Text background color can be added to the text by using the Select background color tool.

Undo command

Text actions performed on the text can be undone before you save the file.

Redo command

Text actions you cancelled can be re-done you perform save.

Paste as plain text

Text source formatting is cleared while pasting content.

Find command

Text can be searched.

Find/Replace command

Text specific text can be searched and replaced with desired text.

Block Quote command

Any part of the content can be distinguished by block quotes.


The subscript can be a number, a figure, an indicator, or a symbol that is smaller in size and appears slightly below the normal text.


The superscript can be a number, a figure, an indicator, or a symbol that is smaller in size and appears slightly above the normal text.

Remove Link

The links can be removed from the page.

Insert/Edit Anchor

An anchor can be added or edited in a page.

Insert Code Using Syntax Highlighter

The code snippets with formatting can be inserted to distinguish it from the rest of the content.

Edit CSS Style

The CSS of the selected content can be edited.

Remove Formatting

Any Formatting applied can be removed.

Cleanup messy code

The unwanted formatting can be removed. If you want to paste the content from word processors to the CMS directly, use this tool to remove unnecessary formatting.

Edit HTML source

The html content editor can be used to edit the html code and make the required changes.

Toggle Full-screen mode

The toggle screen command opens the editor in full screen mode for better viewing.

Toggle guidelines/invisible elements

The toggle guidelines/invisible elements command enables you to view page elements such as tables that have no defined borders or visible markers.